Monday, June 8, 2015

Licher Tintype - Is it Albert Licher and Johann Mathias Licher?

My sister and I have been discussing this tintype and trying to identify the two people pictured.

It was in a box of papers related to our grandmother, Georgia Licher Perry.  The only other photo in the box was the one of Josephine Moellman Licher.

Tintypes were most popular from about 1860 - 1880, but were still fairly common until about 1900.  So that and the clothing tells us that this is probably pre-1900. 

If you compare the seated man in the hat (above) to the man in the hat in this picture, the resemblance is obvious:

The man in the hat in this picture is Albert Licher (that is my grandmother, Georgia, standing next to him). 

Here is another one of Albert that shows the resemblance to the man in the tintype.  Also in this picture is Anna Fricke Licher and her father, John Fricke.

In this picture of Albert, son Edmund, and Anna, you can see the resemblance again to the seated man in the tintype.  Also notice Edmund's resemblance to the boy standing in the tintype.

Based on these comparisons, we are tentatively identifying the tintype people as young Albert Licher with his father, Johann Mathias Licher.   The resemblances are strong.  The tintype was found with the only photo we have identified as Mathias's wife, Josephine.  The time frame for a tintype makes it most likely to be young Albert, plus it was in my grandmother's stuff, so it makes most sense to be her father.  Mathias was born 1833 and deceased by 1900.  Albert was born 1869.  Tintype man looks to be in his 40s or so and the boy looks about 10. 

What do others think?  We are certainly not experts at dating or identifying photos.  We'd appreciate any suggestions to help us decide if we have really found a photo of our great-great grandfather, Johann Mathias Licher.

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