The above card is addressed to Jno. S. Jones, College, Ripon Wis., West Hall #5 and is postmarked Ripon, Wis. Nov 7, 1913. It is another from the dentist, George H. Bush. See my earlier post for information on Dr. Bush.
The message from G. H. Bush, DDS, Ripon, Wis. dated Nov 7, 1913 reads: "Mr Jones I shall want you to take care of my furnace &c while I am away. Please call at the house this evening so I can show you about it before 9 am or after 6 00 pm if you can, or at the office Yours G. H. Bush"
The next postcard is postmarked Nov. 13, 1913 from Hankinson, N. Dak. and addressed to Mr. John S. Jones, Box 800, Ripon, Wis. The message says: "Postage is 8 ¢. Hankinson N.D., Nov. 13, 1913. Dear Cousin: - Purchased a portfolio for you, & think it is just like yours. The price is $1.50. Miss Redman's address is 1610 N. I. St. Ft. Smith Arkansas. How are you & how do you like it there? Wish you would write me some day, and tell me all about the times you have. School is about the same as ever here. As ever, Eva."
Eva is probably John S.'s cousin, Eva Williams Jones, daughter of his uncle, Evan Morgan Jones and wife, Margaret Anna Williams. Eva was born 1 May 1896, so she would have been 17 when she wrote the postcard. She married Ray G. Penrose 20 August 1920 and died 28 November 1967 in New York, New York. Here is a picture of Eva:
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Eva Jones |
I don't have enough information to find anything on the Miss Redman mentioned.
The next card reads "Best wishes for you to-day In all things great and good May the sunshine gild your way And happiness be understood" On the back, it is postmarked Nov 17, but I can't make out the town. It is addressed to John S. Jones, Ripon Wisconsin c/o Ripon College. The message is: "Berthold ND 11-16-13 Just back to the hotel from attending Cong'l S.S. - the only Service here today - their Minister is down with typhoid fever. Be a good boy and strive to master your studies is the best wishes of your father."
"Cong'l SS" is probably Congregational Sunday School. I believe this card is from John S.'s father, John R. Jones.
This postcard is postmarked Neenah, Wis. Nov 19, 13. It is addressed to John S. Jones. Ripon Wis. Box 800. The message is: "Neenah Wis. 519 Church St. Nov. 19, 1913. Dear John: - How are you getting along? Are you well. I am sick with a cold have had it for two weeks. Papa and Mama said that they would like to have you come for Thanks-giving. Write and tell me if your coming and what train so I can meet you. Cant think of no more so good-by from Harry Jones."
Harry Jones was a cousin of John S. Jones. His parents were William L. Jones and Julia Jacobson. Harry was born 27 May 1898 in Neenah, Wisconsin. He would have been 15 years old when he wrote this postcard. Harry became a pharmacist. He died 11 February 1970.
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Harry Jones |
The above postcard is postmarked from Randolph, Wisconsin, Nov. 19, 1913. It is addressed to Mr. John S. Jones, Ripon College, Ripon, Wis. The message is as follows: "Randolph Wis. Nov. 18 - 1913. Dear Cousin: Have been hoping to hear from you saying you would visit your Wis. cousins. Rob started for Midland Texas this P.M. and may be gone several weeks. Better plan to spend Sat. & Sun. with us soon. Let us hear from you Sincerely Mrs. R.T. Roberts Box 45"
I have not done much research on the Roberts line. John R. Jones' mother was Harriet Roberts. She lived for a time and was married in Randolph, Wisconsin in 1855. Her parents were John G. Roberts and Mary Davies. I am guessing that R. T. Roberts is another descendant of John G. Roberts, but I haven't researched the line.
UPDATE: Ray Quisenberry, another Jones researcher believes that R. T. Robert may be as follows: "I believe that R. T. Roberts is Robert T. Roberts (b. 1879 in Wisconsin, d. 1965).
He was the husband of Kathryne Mary Jones (b. 1879 in Columbia County, Wisconsin, d, 1996).
I believe she was the daughter of Anna D. Roberts (b. 1846, Pennsylvania, d. 1919), sister of our Harriet Roberts.
Kathryne’s father was a Hugh W. Jones (b. 1843, Wales, d. 1917 in Columbia County, Wisconsin.)" Ray goes on to state that he is not CERTAIN, but these are very good possibilities. ************************************
This card is addressed to John S. Jones Ripon Wisconsin c/o Ripon College and is from his father, John R. Jones. I can't make out all of the postmark, just "St P & Havre Nov 25, 1913" The message is difficult to read, but here is my best attempt; a (?) means I am unsure of the word: "Mondale (?) Montana 11-25-13 My dear boy:- We have been here all day owing to one of our outer (?) casings (?) giving out - Received one tonight thru express $41.90 This was the first bother (?) we experienced since leaving Hankinson - three weeks ago This A.M. at 5 o'clock and we averaged over 100 miles per day We feel satisfied however (?) for an early start across the Missouri River at Buford, ND by Ferry for Alexandria & Charles McKensie Co. - Good hope (?) my (unreadable word) boy - my thoughts are with you each day as I ride over this great country your Father John"
This last postcard (for today) is also from John R. Jones to his son, John S. Jones.
Again, John R.'s handwriting is a challenge to read, but here goes: "Billings Montana 11-30-13 Dear Boy - Now 10-25 PM and I imagine you enjoying a strong healthy boys sleep. This is a lively city and (unreadable word) in everything. The farmers in this vicinity are making money on raising sugar beets for an (unreadable word) factory here. I am going to remain here all day tomorrow. Left auto & Arthur (?) at Beach - he will move (unreadable word) to Belfield tomorrow where I expect to meet him Tuesday. We are making good time doing good work on collections here. G E Berg; W A Dashabel your father John."
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