Friday, January 27, 2017

Data Entry versus Sleuthing

The last few days, I have spent most of my genealogy time doing data entry.  It is a necessary part of research, but I do get tired of it after awhile.

I've got hundreds of documents that I've gathered that need review, entry into the database, and then filing.  I will be at it for years, even if I don't find another piece of information.

Try clicking on the image to open it in another window so it can be enlarged.  Works in my browser.

The above is a screen shot of my database for Joseph Markwood Rheuble.  Ever since my post about him, I've been trying to move that line back.  The new information that came my way as a result of the post caused me to focus more on that line.

Even after spending most of this week entering Ruble/Rheuble related items into my database, I still have about 100 documents saved to my computer that need to be processed.  And that is just one family line.

For me, the real fun of genealogy is the sleuthing (as Nancy Drew used to say).  The puzzling over the missing pieces and coming up with places to look for them.

I don't know how well the screen shot will come across via the blog, but note the "Missing" tags highlighted in yellow.  Those help me spot items I still need to find.  The ones for Joseph are censuses and I think I have at least one of those in my "To Process" folder.

The problem with doing more sleuthing is that I end up with more documents that need processing.  And I don't stay focused.  So I find myself repeating searches.  I tend to bounce around a lot, as I mentioned in my post on Focus.

So, I try to make myself do Data Entry every time I sit down to do genealogy.   I try to make myself focus when I go searching for new data.  I am not always successful, but I try.

Well, I'd better get busy.  I still have those 100 or so Ruble/Rheuble items to enter.  Who knows, the clue I've been seeking to move the line back may be waiting in one of those documents.  That is the fun of it.

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