Robert Watt and his wife, Jane McClellan Fagundus (or perhaps, Facundus) are my husband's third great grandparents. They are also current brick walls, especially Jane. I've been doing a little searching recently related to them and so perhaps something new will turn up, but until then, I thought it might be useful for me to do a post on them. Often writing these blog posts helps me see a clue I'd formerly missed.
Robert Watt was born about 1799 or 1800 (based on ages given for him on the censuses). Some sources say he was born in Scotland and some say England. Apparently he was born in Berwickshire, perhaps Berwick-Upon-Tweed. Apparently Berwickshire and Berwick-Upon-Tweed used to be in Scotland but are now part of England. This may account for the confusion. Some Indiana county histories indicate that Robert's parents were William Watt and Sarah Boyd and that his brother, James Watt, also emigrated. This must be confirmed, however.
I have confirmed with the University of Edinburgh that our Robert Watt attended there during the term of 1822-1823 when he took one course, Greek. Their records say he was from Berwickshire. His grandson, Charles Russ Richards, wrote in his memoirs that Robert's father wanted him to become a minister and so he attended the University of Edinburgh for a time. Richards says in his memoirs, "I have a certificate of proficiency in Greek, issued on April 15, 1823, by Professor George Dunbar for the session of 1822. Being a liberal in all things, he did not elect to continue his ministerial studies." I would love to see a copy of that certificate, but unfortunately it was not included in the copy of the memoirs that I have.
His grandson, Charles Russ Richards, is very specific about the dates of Robert's leaving Scotland and arriving in the United States. Richards' use of such specific dates leads me to believe he had source material that I have not yet found. He says that Robert sailed from Liverpool for America on 28 February 1828 and arrived in New York City on 14 March 1828.
If the immigration dates are correct, then Robert did not waste time marrying. Again, we have a very specific, though unconfirmed, date of Robert's marriage to Jane McClellan Fagundus: 28 April 1828 in Pennsylvania. Charles Russ Richards says that Jane was "a Pennsylvania Dutch girl."
So far, I have been unsuccessful in finding anything about Jane's family. One source says, however, that the name should be spelled "Facundus." Based on her age in census records, Jane was probably born about 1808 in Pennsylvania. Jane is one of those mysterious female ancestors about whom I have found very little.
On 28 November 1828, Robert Watt declared in open court in Venango Co., Pennsylvania, that he intended to become a United States citizen, per Charles Russ Richards' memoirs. I've found a secondary source that confirms this and am currently trying to get a copy of this court record.
Sometime after the November 1828 court appearance, Robert and Jane moved to Indiana. They settled for a short time in Lafayette, Indiana, and then moved to the town of Jefferson in Clinton County.
Charles R. Richards says Robert's naturalization was approved on 11 April 1830, but he does not say where this took place. Again, Charles refers to copies of documents that I have not yet obtained. There are documents from Clinton Co.'s March term 1834, that relate to Robert's naturalization and state that he is granted citizenship. Those documents note that Robert had lived in Clinton Co. for three years, indicating that he moved there in early 1831.
Robert was a prominent man in the village of Jefferson. He was a tailor, a harness maker, the first postmaster, and a Justice of the Peace (receiving his commission from Noah Noble, Indiana's governor from 1831-1837).
Robert and Jane's first child, a daughter named Mary Jane, died as an infant. I have no dates on her, nor do I know where she was born.
Their next child, Susan T. Watt, was born 19 January 1833 in Jefferson, Clinton Co., Indiana.
In 1833 and 1834, Robert bought land in Section 15, Washington Township, Clinton Co., Indiana. He bought additional land adjoining his original purchases in 1835, 1836, and 1837. He owned at least 320 acres in the southwest quarter of Section 15. I have highlighted his property in the 1865 Clinton county map below.
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1865 map of Clinton Co., Indiana showing property owned by Robert Watt |
According to A Century of Progress, in about 1837, Robert Watt built one of first frame houses in Jefferson. His son, Samuel G. Watt, was born there on 21 August 1837. The house was still standing and still occupied in 1930, but I don't know if it is still there today (2016).
Jane and Robert's daughter, Laura Virginia Watt, was born 21 September 1839. Laura is my husband's second great grandmother.
Robert is found on the 1840 census for Clinton Co., Indiana. The entry for his household shows: Robert Watt, age 40-50; one female aged 30-40 (probably his wife, Jane); one male under 5, one female under 5, one male 5-10, one female 5-10. This fits with the children we know of: Samuel, Laura, James, and Susan.
On 5 May 1840, Robert was issued a retailing license in Clinton Co.
On 12 December 1841, Robert and Jane's youngest child, Sarah Elizabeth, was born.
Robert was issued another retailing license in Clinton Co. in 1842.
Robert Watt is shown in the 1848 Assessors Book as owning the following: "Watt, Robert, Esq. - pd poll tax SW 15-21-2W = 160 acres; W SE 15-21-2W = 80 acres, in Jefferson, Crother's Addn, lot #11; Send E NE 14-21-2W = 41 acres, in Jefferson, Crothers Addn, lot #12"
On 5 July 1849, Robert wrote a letter to his daughter, Susan (aged about 16), who was at school in Anapolis, Indiana. There is no envelope; it is addressed on the outside of the folded letter. It is addressed to: Susan Watt, W A School, Annapolis, Ind. from R Watt PM (post master) Jefferson. It follows:
"Jefferson Ind July 5 1849
I received two letters from you yesterday one dated June 26th you say there is only eight more weeks of till the school is out tell me in your next, the day that the examination is to be, and I will try to be at it, also ascertain from Mr. Thomas what your tuition will be and Mrs Pickard what your boarding will be, Sarah has not been going to school for two or three weeks, she does not like to go, Laura is at McCleland's Mrs Mc is poorly - James is at his Uncles yet, tending his crop - there is not more than half crop of wheat here, it is so injured with rust - we have a writing school, taught by two Misses Agard, $1 for ten lessons - Ruth Pool has come home - The colera [sic] is at Lafayette to what extent I do not know - the best plan to follow should it come - is to avoid all excesses unripe fruits, fish & practice, bathing, take exercise - such a course, judiciously followed would promote the general health, and tend better to resist deceased [sic] than any specific or nostrum that has been recommended, as sulfer [sic], charcoal, brandy, &c; altho [sic] sulpher [sic] & charcoal combined and taken in small doses, would do no harm I do not know what kind of a school Mrs Johnson has - the plan of reviewing daily the lessons of the proceeding day is judicious & to continue to review on Saturdays besides - reviewing studies is of much advantage - perhaps more information is obtained and retained than at the first recital - what kind of compositions do write save them that I may see them
R Watt
Susan Watt
Anapolis Ind "
On the 1850 census of Clinton Co., Indiana, Robert and Jane and their family are found in Washington Township. The household is listed as follows: Robert Watt, age 50, farmer, real estate valued at $1,000, born England; Jane Watt, age 42, born Pennsylvania; Susan Watt, age 17, born IN; James W. Watt, age 15, farmer, born IN; Samuel Watt, age 12, born IN; Laura Watt, age 10, born IN; Sarah Watt, age 9, born IN.
In 1856, Robert was taxed on the following land in Washington Township, Clinton Co., Indiana: SW 15-21-2W = 160 acres; W SE 15-21-2W = 80 acres; Send E NE 14-21-2W = 41 acres. The 41 acre track is, I believe, the one shown as belonging to William A. Watt on the 1865 map above and is adjoining the land I have highlighted. William A. Watt was the son of Robert's brother, James, who also settled in Washington Township.
On 10 June 1857, Jane Watt died. She was about 47 years old. Old cemetery indexes indicate that she is buried in Jefferson Cemetery, but so far no tombstone has been found.
The 1860 census shows Robert's family as follows: Robert Watt, age 60, real estate valued at $4,700, born - England; Samuel G. Watt, age 22, born IN; Laura Watt, age 20, born IN; Sarah Watt, age 18, born IN; John Watt, age 24, laborer, born IN (I think the "John" listed is actually James William.)
On 4 February 1862, Robert wrote to his granddaughter, Clara Alice Richards. Clara was about 7 years old. Unfortunately, this is one of the letters for which we no longer have an original. My transcription is from a photocopy provided by the Indiana Historical Society.
"Jefferson Indiana February 4th, 1862
My Dear Clara
I got your letter dated on the 1st day of February 1862 - you say you like the school. I sepose [sic] you learn as well as you can, if you come to be a good scholar you may come to teach school yourself when you grow up to be a big girl - you say your mother was darning stockings for you, after a while you will have to darn your own stockings - When the school is out I sepose [sic] you will have to come up here and stay as long as you like - you say you play war, at school, you don't kill any of the scholars, do you? I believe I would as soon git [sic] a letter from you as any one else, you write a good letter now, but I expect you to write a better one after a while, books are written before they are printed, may be, you may write a pretty little book, and have pretty pictures in it, girls sometimes write books - but you will have to be a good scholar first those who are not good scholars can not write good books Sarah is now working with her sewing mechaen [sic] and can not get it to go right and is getting mad at it, Gwinn has gone to bed so has Laura and I sepose [sic] I will have to bid you good night and go to bed too
Your Grandfather R. Watt
Clara A. Richards
Clarks Hill
Tippecanoe County
On 16 June 1866, Robert Watt died in Clinton Co., Indiana. He was about 66 years old. Like his wife, Jane, no tombstone had been found for Robert, but old cemetery indexes state he is buried in Jefferson Cemetery. I hope someday to find proof of these burials, though the site of their burials in Jefferson Cemetery makes logical sense and other family members are known to be buried there.
According to the newspaper column, "Stories of the Town & Country Round" by Ed Thacker in the Frankfort Times, 8 Aug 1930, Robert was a prominent person in the Jefferson area from 1830 until the Civil War. He was one of the largest landowners in the county with 500-600 acres by 1850. For at least 10 years, Robert was a Justice of the Peace for Washington Twp; he was elected JP for a 5 year term in 1836 and in 1841 he was elected for another 5 year term. After Robert and his family had lived in Washington Twp. for 7 years (ca 1835), he built a home in Jefferson. That house was still standing in 1930 and was located just west of "the present Cushwa store." Robert's granddaughters Ethel Watt Johnson and Mabel Watt had possession of papers and documents that had belonged to Robert Watt. (Papers and documents I would dearly love to find.)
Below, I am showing the Watt descendants starting with the probable parents (William Watt and Sarah Boyd) of Robert Watt and his brother, James, in order to include James' family here. I have not done much research into James' family, but he and his wife, Elizabeth, are buried in Jefferson Cemetery.
A note: The Minnesota Historical Society has in its collection a copy of Charles Russ Richards' memoirs booklet. In that booklet are pictures of Robert and Jane Watt. The historical society did not grant me permission to post those photos, so I cannot share them, but I wanted to note that they exist and can be obtained from the Minnesota Historical Society.
Descendants of William Watt and Sarah Boyd:
William Watt, b. circa 1742 at Scotland, d. before 1828 at Scotland
+Sarah Boyd, b. circa 1742 at
Scotland, d. after 1828 at while crossing the Atlantic Ocean to America
├── William Watt
├── Jane Watt
├── Alice Watt
+John Lidgate?
├── Mary Watt
+Gavin Craig
├── Bessie Watt
├── James Watt, b. 18 Mar 1797 at
Berwickshire, Scotland, d. 1 Jul 1878 at Clinton Co., IN, buried at Jefferson
Cemetery, near Jefferson, Clinton Co., IN
+Elizabeth Boag, buried at Jefferson
Cemetery, near Jefferson, Clinton Co., IN
├── Mary Isabella Watt, b. 18 Jun 1830 at
England, d. 6 Sep at Clinton Co., IN, bur. at Jefferson Cemetery, Clinton Co.,
├── Elizabeth Sarah Watt, b. 30 Jun 1834 at Coburg,
ON, Canada, d. 24 Jun 1903 at Payette, Canyon Co., ID
+Johnson Miller
├── William A. Watt, b. 4 Mar 1836 at Coburg,
ON, Canada, d. 21 Oct 1872 at Jefferson, Clinton Co., IN
+Melissa J. Mc Neal
├── James W. Watt
└── Robert F. Watt, b. circa 1872
├── Jane S. Watt, b. 26 Jan 1838 at Canada
+Allen Durham
├── Lavina Bryand Watt, b. 3 May 1840 at
Washington Twp., Clinton Co., IN, d. 7 Dec 1894 at Clinton Co., IN, bur. at
Jefferson Cemetery, near Jefferson, Clinton Co., IN
+David Horlacher, b. 22 Apr 1838 at Butler
Co., OH, m. 22 Sep 1868 at Clinton Co., IN, d. 27 Jul 1909 at Clinton Co., IN
├── James Levi Horlacher, b. 27 May 1870 at
Washington Twp., Clinton Co., IN, d. 29 Dec 1942 at Kerrville, TX
├── Mary Lucetta Horlacher, b. 29 Aug 1871, d. 11 Apr
1963 at Frankfort, Clinton Co., IN
├── David Bruce Horlacher, b. 24 Feb 1874 at Clinton
Co., IN, d. 28 Jan 1938 at Clinton Co., IN
├── Sylvia Lavinia Horlacher, b. 22 Jun 1879 at Clinton
Co., IN, d. 31 Dec 1950 at Boise, ID
└── Alba Clare Horlacher, b. 22 Feb 1881 at Clinton
Co, IN, d. 5 Jan 1966 at Frankfort, Clinton Co., IN
└── Robert B. Watt, b. 21 Dec 1842 at Clinton
Co., IN, d. 20 Apr 1875 at Jefferson, Clinton Co., IN
└── Robert Watt, b. circa 1799 at England
or Scotland, d. 16 Jun 1866 at Jefferson, Clinton Co., IN, bur. at Jefferson
Cemetery, Clinton Co., IN
+Jane McClellan Fagundus, b. circa 1808 at PA, m.
28 Apr 1828 at PA, d. 10 Jun 1857 at Jefferson, Clinton Co., IN, bur. at
Jefferson Cemetery, Clinton Co., IN
├── Mary Jane Watt
├── Susan T. Watt, b. 19 Jan 1833 at
Jefferson, Clinton Co., IN, d. 1 Aug 1879 at Tippecanoe Co, IN, bur. at
Springvale Cemetery, Lafayette, Tippecanoe Co., IN
+Samuel Kennedy Richards, b. 11 Oct 1825 at
Lysander, Onondaga Co., NY, m. 15 May 1853 at Lafayette, Tippecanoe Co, IN, d.
20 Mar 1905 at Clarks Hill, Tippecanoe Co., IN, bur. 22 Mar 1905 at Springvale
Cemetery, Lot 30, Sec. 19 1.B.73, Lafayette, Tippecanoe Co., IN
├── Clara Alice Richards, b. Mar 1854 at AR, d. 4
Aug 1929 at Laramie Twp., Tippecanoe County, IN, bur. at Springvale Cemetery,
Lot 30, Sec 19, Lafayette, Tippecanoe Co., IN
├── Mary McClellan Richards, b. 10 Oct 1858 at IN, d.
9 Jun 1929 at Clarks Hill, Tippecanoe County, IN, bur. at Springvale Cemetery,
Lafayette, Tippecanoe Co., IN
├── Clyde Watt Richards, b. 31 Mar 1863 at Clarks
Hill, IN, d. 26 Oct 1934 at Laramie Township, Tippecanoe County, IN, bur. at
Springvale Cemetery, Lot 30, Sec 19, Lafayette, Tippecanoe Co., IN
├── Lura Jane Richards, b. 20 Mar 1866 at
Tippecanoe Co., IN, d. 7 Nov 1946 at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Lafayette,
Tippecanoe Co, IN, bur. 10 Nov 1946 at Clarks Hill Cemetery, Clarks Hill,
Tippecanoe Co., IN
└── Anna Richards, b. Jul 1869 at IN, d.
before 1880
├── James William Watt, b. circa 1836 at
Jefferson, Clinton Co., IN, d. before 1885
+Clara Davidson, m. 5 Sep 1869 at Clinton
Co., IN
├── Nellie Watt, b. Dec 1869 at IN
├── Daisy Clemantine Watt, b. 1872 at IN, d. 1955 at
IN, bur. at Colfax, Clinton Co., IN
├── Cloud Watt, b. 1873 at IN, d. 1911,
bur. at Colfax, Clinton Co., IN
└── Jimmy R Watt, b. 1875 at IN
+Rachel R Lewis, b. 1847, m. 10 Sep 1878
at Tippecanoe Co, IN
├── Samuel Gwynn Watt, b. 21 Aug 1837 at Jefferson, Clinton Co., IN, d. 28 Jun 1906 at
Frankfort, Clinton Co., IN, bur. at Bunnell Cemetery, Clinton Co., IN
+Amelia W. Mc Clurg, b. 1845 at IN, m. 28 Apr
1863 at Clinton Co., IN, d. circa 16 Mar 1918 at Clinton Co., IN
├── Edith Watt
├── Ethel Watt, d. at Clinton Co., IN
├── Genevieve Watt, b. 1865
├── Carrie Watt, b. circa Mar 1866, d. 16
Mar 1867 at Clinton Co., IN, bur. at Jefferson Cemetery, Clinton Co., IN
├── Bessie Watt, b. 1870 at Clinton Co, IN
├── Lucille Watt, b. 1873
├── Robert Watt, b. 1875, d. before 1913
└── Mabel Watt, b. 1878 at IN
├── Laura Virginia Watt, b. 21 Sep 1839 at
Jefferson, Washington Twp, Clinton Co, IN, d. 14 Mar 1911 at Jefferson,
Washington Twp, Clinton Co, IN, bur. 16 Mar 1911 at Jefferson Cemetery, near
Jefferson, Clinton Co., IN
+William Mordnant Braden, b. 26 Mar 1837 at Braden
Family Farm, near Jefferson, Washington Twp., Clinton Co., IN, m. 16 May 1865
at Clinton Co., IN, d. 1 Apr 1907 at Jefferson, Washington Twp., Clinton Co.,
IN, bur. 3 Apr 1907 at Jefferson Cemetery, near Jefferson, Clinton Co., IN
├── Mary Jane Braden, b. 14 Dec 1866 at
"on the old farm", near Jefferson, Washington Twp., Clinton Co., IN,
d. 25 Nov 1932 at at 6:00 a.m. at her brother, Robert's, home, Frankfort,
Clinton Co., IN, bur. at Jefferson Cemetery, near Jefferson, Clinton Co., IN
├── Robert Floyd Braden, b. 20 Jul 1868 at
Jefferson, Clinton Co., IN, d. 11 May 1937 at Clinton Co. Hospital, Frankfort,
Clinton Co., IN, pro. 1 Jan 1908
└── Alba Ellsworth Braden, b. 27 Mar 1871 at
Jefferson, Washington Twp., Clinton Co., IN, d. 10 Nov 1907 at Mulberry,
Clinton Co., IN, bur. 11 Nov 1907 at Fair Haven Cemetery, Mulberry, Clinton
Co., IN
└── Sarah Elizabeth Watt, b. 12 Dec 1841 at IN, d.
20 Nov 1885 at Lafayette, Tippecanoe Co, IN, bur. at Yorktown Cemetery,
Stockwell, Tippecanoe Co., IN
+Charles Richards, b. 18 May 1842 at IN, m.
25 Oct 1865 at Tippecanoe Co, IN, d. 16 Mar 1876, bur. at Yorktown Cemetery,
Stockwell, Tippecanoe Co., IN
├── Kenneth Richards, b. circa 1866, d. circa
1866, bur. at Yorktown Cemetery, between Clarks Hill and Stockwell, Tippecanoe
Co., IN
├── infant Richards, b. circa 1866, d. circa
1867, bur. at Yorktown Cemetery, between Clarks Hill and Stockwell, Tippecanoe
Co., IN
└── Charles Russ Richards, b. 23 Mar 1871 at in a
log house on the farm, Clark's Hill, Tippecanoe Co., IN, d. 17 Apr 1941 at
Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN
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